Natural Bridge Cruise
Jul 28, 2012 - Jul 28, 2012


A Burgoo of Personalities

Natural Bridge State Park

28 July 2012

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a burgoo, it is Kentucky’s most famous stew, usually made for big gatherings (such as Derby Day) in huge kettles. Burgoos typically have at least three different meats, and plenty of vegetables such as corn, okra, and lima beans.

Our day saw sunny skies and warm temperatures. We breakfasted in Lexington and an hour later we were transiting the Nada tunnel in Daniel Boone National Forest. Not content to see the panorama from the top of Skybridge, many took the steep path down to view Red River Gorge from the base of the bridge. Breathless, figuratively and physically, we saddled up to find a place to picnic in Natural Bridge State Park. A select few souls extended the day by riding the chair lift to the top of Natural Bridge and sampled another set of spectacular views. Ken and Terri inaugurated their gorgeous, just completed, metallic blue Factory Five. Cathy Smith served as Radio Operator in the tenth car and kept the group leader well informed as we twisted and turned through quiet forest roads. We started with ten and we ended with ten.

So, you might wonder, where is the Burgoo? We had a picnic after the tour, but that food is not really the burgoo. This time we blended 20 personalities from two states, added steep mountain trails, a fair amount of perspiration and willy-nilly picture taking that reminds one of a kindergarten class trip. And all the people smiled and joked and managed to turn challenges into adventures. In four short hours we were less individuals and more a group who did Natural Bridge in 2012. The twenty included:

Ken and Terri Reid (first ride)

Diane and Jerry Joyner

Juan and Cindy Lopez-Bonilla

Sam and Monika Jackson

Vince Lubbers and Bea Bland

Terry and Julie Riebel

John and Karen Czarnecki

Dave and Becky Fister

Bill and Rochella Alley

Bill and Cathy (Radio Girl) Smith

Randall Williamson and Stefanie

Presented in no particular order---Because that is the way Burgoo’s are.


Kentucky Cobra Club, Juan Lopez-Bonilla
1941 Bishop Ln, Suite 510, Louisville KY 40218