Midwest Cobra Fest
Sep 10, 2012 - Sep 10, 2012


  "The Good Old Days Are Here Again"

Open House at the Superformance Dealership in Ross, Ohio
Performance Cobras and Motorsports
Sept 9, 2012

On what was a beautiful day to drive your Snakes, Gaby Batshoun and his lovely wife Jennifer, opened their doors and hearts to members of the Cobra community with a wonderful display of hospitality, food, fellowship, new Superformance cars and memories of the "Good Old Customer Appreciation Days" of the previous Superformance Dealership in Ross, Ohio.

Approximately 40 cars showed up at the open house for the new dealership, a great many familiar faces and hordes of new ones made the day interesting, refreshing and filled with hope for the future of the Cobra community. The food was awesome and we are greatful for the Batshouns' hospitality. 

After a day of mingling, meeting new friends, enjoying the food and getting to learn a little bit more about Gaby and Performance Cobras and Motorsports, we ended the day with a cruise to Brookville Lake, Indiana, building new memories for the future. 

Gaby, Jennifer, thank you. For those of you not able to make it this day, pay them a visit at the dealership in Ross, Ohio.
Enjoy the photos, we enjoyed being in them.
Kentucky Cobra Club, Juan Lopez-Bonilla
1941 Bishop Ln, Suite 510, Louisville KY 40218
502-558-2904, juan@lbrdesign.com