08/27/2011 - 10:00
08/27/2011 - 12:00

That's Not Red Riding Hood
27 August 2011

The faithful gathered in twos under warm blue skies in Georgetown, Kentucky.  After weather related schedule changes all summer, the tides had turned.  The East coast may have Irene, but none of that was apparent in the Bluegrass.  LHWTBSand S.  Make that 'Low Humidity, Warm Temperatures, Blue Skies and SMILES.'  Fifteen rides and 25 folks gathered to grab a breakfast hearty enough to sustain the crew as they followed the Red Cobra from G-Town to the famous Woodford Reserve near Versailles, Kentucky.

Dave and Becky Fister, Paris, KY, driving the "Red Cobra" had planned a route through byways lined with thoroughbred farms, stone walls, romantic creeks and bridges.  That's where it happened.  Someone said 'fairy tale ride,' someone else said 'through the woods' and suddenly the Red Cobra had morphed into Red Riding Hood's chariot.  It was one of those days when 'what, me worry' seemed to make perfect sense.  The entire train of cobras arrived with a rumble.  We parked in a separate corral.  A squeaky voice from the back asked 'Where is Red Riding Hood.?'

Long, tall, and loud Dave Fister uncoiled himself from the Red Cobra.  He stood up and looked down on us--and Squeaky--who immediately said:  "That's Not Red Riding Hood."  But it might be the wolf!  And so the day unfolded, one of those 'you just get lucky sometimes' kind of days.  When the wind pushes you onward, all the signals turn green and you remember what friends are all about.  Thanks Dave and Becky.  You gave us a memory to hang onto.

Pictures and names follow.  But you had to be there. One of our member couples came all the way from Hopkinsville, KY. They got up way early and traveled to be with us. We love their enthusiasm and boy what a great surprise for us.

Dave and Becky Fister, Paris, KY, Terry and Julie Riebel, John Masick and Linda Klein, Sam and Monika Jackson, Louisville, KY, Jim Levenson and Dave Howard, Lexington, KY, Jim and Paula Hurt, Shelbyville, KY, Mike Silvers, Lexington, KY, Rowe Hamilton, Louisville, KY, Scott Johnson and lovely wife, Morehead, KY, Chas Munninghoff, Ft Mitchell, KY, Tony and Karen Chiles, Hopkinsville, KY, Vince Lubbers and Bea Bland, ToadHill, KY, Jerry and Dianne Joyner, Richmond, KY, Juan and Cindy Lopez-Bonilla, Louisviolle, KY.

We head to historic Rabbit Hash on the banks of the Ohio next.  September 17th to be exact.  Plan to be a part of the next chapter in the great Kentucky Cobra Club adventure.

Event Images: 
Kentucky Cobra Club, Juan Lopez-Bonilla
1941 Bishop Ln, Suite 510, Louisville KY 40218
502-558-2904, juan@lbrdesign.com