11/03/2007 - 00:00
11/03/2007 - 23:59

There is a car show in Renfro Valley on 3 Nov 08.


Here is a link to a synopsis. http://www.kentuckycarshows.com/calendar2007nov.html


At the moment there are three of us going down. Jerry Joyner, myself
and Larry Hall. Jerry and I will originate in Richmond, work the back
roads down to Berea to pick up Larry and then secondary roads down to
Renfro Valley.


We don't have the times/places worked out quite yet but it will
probably be a meet at Jack's BP at Exit 87 in Richmond. After nine and
before eleven. All subject to change. Actual details will appear here.


Jerry and I won't show, but Larry might.


I am trying to use our new forum to let you know about the less formal
events in the club. Want to come along? The more the merrier. If the
weather goes totally south, then look here for the latest on the final


Even if you think you might want to go but you are not sure,
post a note and let us know. No commitments but it would be good to get
a notion of who might show up. No pun intended.



Larry Hall, Jerry Joyner and I attended the Renfro Valley show on 3 November 2007. We met Larry in Berea and he led us in the rest of the way. Then he got us parking in the show area even though we were not showing. The weather was great (and we thought the last gasp of summer was two weeks ago at Rabbit Hash) and the people were friendly. The cobras gots lots of attention. All in all, a no stress, highly pleasant day. We had room for more cobras. No we did not freeze on the way down because we got started at 1030. Thoroughly pleasant. We missed you.


Event Images: 
IMGP0730 [1024x768].JPG
IMGP0734 [1024x768].JPG
IMGP0736 [1024x768].JPG
Kentucky Cobra Club, Juan Lopez-Bonilla
1941 Bishop Ln, Suite 510, Louisville KY 40218
502-558-2904, juan@lbrdesign.com