10/06/2008 - 12:00
10/07/2008 - 15:00

Club Member Bill Alley of Lexington, Kentucky recently launched himself southward in search of adventure. This is what he had to say and it might ignite the same passion in you:


"After a 4 year itch, I decided it was time to scratch.

It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies when the snake and I headed south on I-75 toward Fontana Dam, NC. Garmin was set, Mapquest at hand, tank full, and we're outta Dodge. At 80 mph I got 18 mpg on the open road.

Around 3:00 in the afternoon, I turned onto Rt. #129 and waited for the fun to begin. 30 miles later I really got busy, diving into a downhill, decreasing radius right hander, the car held on. Before I knew it I was in an uphill left turn, back to the right, left again and so it continued for 11 miles. I arrived at Deals Gap under a canopy of color and temperature in the mid 70s, with a really big grin that wouldn't go away.

Then it was off to Fontana Lodge for the evening. To get there, I took Rt. #28, fittingly named
"Hell Burner." Not as tight as the "Tail", but great fun.

The next day brought more perfect weather and just enough chill to require gloves and a windbreaker. A slight breeze sent a shower of fall colors across the road. Time to run Hell Burner again, but I took it easy on cold tires. After a stop in Deals Gap, it was up the hill to slay the Dragon! Say, that was fun, I think I'll give it another rip. Back down and up again. Two Hell Burners, and 4 Tails......WOW!! What a scratch!

Some motorcycles caused me to slow down a couple of times. Trying to steer, shift and take a picture kept all the appendages busy, a semi on my side of the road was a little unnerving. I found that the brakes are real good on the Cobra.

Time to head home. At 3PM we arrived. The snake had never hit bugs so hard and I was glad to see home.

Yep, the Tail of the Dragon decal is already on the windshield. Sure, I'll show it to you."

Bill Alley

Event Images: 
Kentucky Cobra Club, Juan Lopez-Bonilla
1941 Bishop Ln, Suite 510, Louisville KY 40218
502-558-2904, juan@lbrdesign.com